Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Fear - LOG #2

Put simply, Fear is a fucking bitch. It seizes any opportunity to hit you for six and cripple you. If you let it do this continuously bare in mind, it will take over your life. Once it's done pushing you into the deep hole of doubt and avoidance the climb out seems too difficult and named impossible.

But fear not, because your friend Momentary Relief will come to save you and help you out. "Wait? What are you doing!" Turns out it was Fear wearing a seemingly friendly face and you're back on your arse again.

"When will this fuck off and leave me alone?"

Truth is, Fear is the ugly mole on your back; it bothers you but you but you learn to live with it. (Yes I know moles can be removed, but you get the gist). Just remember Fear isn't real, and what isn't real shouldn't be given the power to harm you.

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