A friend, a husband,
a father, my grandad.
A symbol of success,
care, hope and love.
The fondest of
memories that I had,
Were the ones in
which he wore a golf glove.
An inspired grandson filled with inspiration and awe,
An inspired grandson filled with inspiration and awe,
Driving the Vel
Satis, swinging the club and continuing to laugh.
With technology the
older are assumed to be poor,
But snub this he did
on genius’s behalf.
Through my depression
he helped me significantly,
With wise words and
understanding he put me at ease,
“Your family is
here…you’ll get better.” He said optimistically.
Caring for his
family’s well-being was his expertise.
My favourite person
on Earth, for whom I had maximum respect.
Even in the last days
of his battle with MS and heart failure
We would talk West
Ham and share pundit intellect.
And yet with his
stability deteriorating he still had a sense of humour.
I love you grandad
and always will.
Hope and inspiration
in others you will always instil.
And whenever I
suddenly think of you I will not stammer,
To remember that you
are a legend and a true hammer.